18 febbraio 2015

Tossicologia - Siti Utili

Vi segnalo questo ebook di tossicologia ad accesso gratuito

e la base dati bibliografica SafetyLit

"... this database "provides abstracts of reports from researchers who work in the more than 30 professional disciplines relevant to preventing unintentional injuries, violence, and self-harm. Among these are anthropology, economics, education, engineering specialties, ergonomics and human factors, health and medicine, law and law enforcement, psychology, sociology, and other fields. SafetyLit staff and volunteers regularly hand-examine (issue by issue) more than 3400 current scholarly journals from many nations to find relevant material. This information is maintained in a searchable database that contains more than 225 thousand items. The database contains articles from 4405 journals that are not included in PubMed/Medline." ..."

E' una delle risorse gratuite utili per la tossicologia segnalate nella pagina web della Sheldon Margen Public Health Library (Univ. of California, Berkeley Library)http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/PUBL/tox.html

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